Core Focus Areas



graphic of a pickaxe and a magnifying glass over a globe



Archaeology focuses on exploring human origins in both the Old and New Worlds. Studies also cover more recent issues of state formation, power and urbanization. Faculty expertise areas include ceramic and textile analysis, zooarchaeology, Andean prehistory, trade in the ancient Mediterranean, underwater archaeology, preservation planning and more.


Faculty in This Area


Institutes and Projects


Biological Anthropology


Courses and research in biological anthropology explore human origins and primate biology. Students conduct research in the department's nationally-renowned Center for the Advanced Study of Human Paleobiology. Faculty expertise includes human skeletal anatomy, genetics and genomics, primatology, paleoecology, lithic analysis, neuroscience, and paleoanthropology. 


A graphic of a microscope and a brain



Faculty in This Area


Linguistic Anthropology


Graphic of 2 human figures shaking hands and talking




The focus of linguistic anthropologists is the human capacity to learn and use languages. At GW, linguists study language and related social communication, from the level of neurons to the Internet. Faculty expertise is predominantly geared toward the countries of Brazil, Japan, Russia and Indonesia.


Faculty in This Area


Sociocultural Anthropology


Sociocultural anthropology examines the role culture plays in shaping human action. Our sociocultural anthropologists are experts on social organization, international development, governance and politics, ethnic conflict, cultural heritage, health and illness (including psychiatric disorders), gender and semiotics.


graphic of network of people around the world



Faculty in This Area



Museum icon with a dino in the front middle

In addition to the four core focus areas, the department includes several professional lecturers and full-time faculty members who specialize in anthropological museum work.