David R. Braun

David Braun

David R. Braun

Professor of Anthropology; CASHP Core Faculty


Office Phone: (202) 994-4223
Lab: SEH 6100

Dr. Braun, an archaeologist working in Southern and Eastern Africa, directs the Koobi Fora Field School.  He has a particular expertise in stone tools.

Oscar and Shoshana Trachtenberg Prize for Teaching Excellence, 2017

Director, Koobi Fora Field School.

Hominin evolution, archaeology of East African Pleistocene, early hominin technology and behavior, lithic studies.

Anth 3832/6832: Paleoanthropological Field Program
Anth 3838: Theory and Practice in Archaeology
Anth 6103: Proseminar in Archaeology
Anth 6801: Paleolithic Archaeology
Anth 6806: Lithic Technology

Selected Journal Articles and Book Chapters

An up-to-date list of Dr. Braun's publications can be found on Google Scholar.

2013  Ferraro, J.V., T.W. Plummer, B. Pobiner, J.S. Oliver, L.C. Bishop, D.R. Braun, P.W. Ditchfield, J.W. Seaman, K.M. Binetti, F. Hertl, and R. Potts. "Earliest archaeological evidence of persistent hominin carnivory," Public Library of Science One 8(4). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0062174

2013  Lin, S.C., Z. Rezek, D. Braun, H.L. Dibble. "On the economy and economization of unretouched flakes: The effects of exterior platform angle and platform depth," American Antiquity 78(4): 724-745.

2013  Braun, D.R. "The behavior of Plio-Pleistocene hominins: Archaeological perspectives." In Sponheimer, M., J. Lee-Thorp, K. Reed, and P. Ungar, eds. Early Hominin Paleoecology. Boulder, CO: University of Colorado Press.

2011  Ndiema, K.E, C. D. Dillian, D. R. Braun, J. W. K. Harris, and P. W. Kiura. “Transport and subsistence patterns at the transition to pastoralism, Koobi Fora, Kenya,” Archaeometry 53(6): 1085–1098.

2010  Braun, D.R. "Paleoanthropology: Australopithecine butchers," Nature 466: 828.

2009  Braun, D. R., T.P. Plummer, J.V. Ferraro, P. Ditchfield, L.C. Bishop. "Raw material quality and Oldowan hominin toolstone preferences: Evidence from Kanjera South, Kenya," Journal of Archaeological Science 36: 1605-1614.

2010  Braun, D.R., J.W.K. Harris, L.C. Bishop, B.G. Richmond, and M. Kibunjia. “Early hominin diet included diverse terrestrial and aquatic animals 1.95 Myr ago in East Turkana, Kenya,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (U.S.A.)107(22): 10002-10007.

2009  Brown, K.S., C.W. Marean, A.I. Herries, Z. Jacobs, C. Tribolo, D.R. Braun, M. Myers, J. Bernatchez. “Fire as an engineering tool of early modern humans in coastal South Africa,” Science 325: 859-862.

2008  Braun, D. R., M.J. Rogers, J.W.K. Harris, and S.J. Walker. "Landscape scale variation in hominin tool use: Evidence from the Developed Oldowan of the Koobi Fora Formation," Journal of Human Evolution 55: 1053-1063.

Ph.D. 2006, Rutgers University
M.A. 2002, Rutgers University
B.A. 1998, Haverford College