Nancy Benco

Dr. Benco is an Old World archaeologist with particular expertise in ceramics.
Complex societies, ceramic analysis, craft production; Neolithic, Bronze Age, and Islamic archaeology. Regional focus: North Africa and the Near East.
Dr. Benco has conducted several seasons of field excavation at the site of al-Basra, Morocco. She is an expert on the archaeology of the Islamic world, the origins of complex societies, and ceramics. She has served as a pottery consultant for projects in Turkey, Iraq, and Peru.
Anth 1003: Archaeology
Anth 3803): Old World Prehistory: First Farmers to First Cities
Anth 6103: Proseminar in Archaeology
Anth 6803: America's Archaeological Heritage
Anth 6839: Archaeology Field/Laboratory Research
Anth 6806: Technology
Last updated March 30, 2014
2004 Benco, N., ed. Anatomy of a Medieval Islamic Town. British Archaeological Reports. Oxford: Archaeopress.
Selected Articles and Book Chapters
2011 "The Production of Pottery at al-Basra, Morocco." In La céramique du haut Moyen Âge au Maghreb: Etat des recherches en cours, problèms et perspectives,P. Cressier and E. Fentress, eds., pp. 50-62. École Francaise de Rome.
2010 Robertshaw, P., N. Benco, M. Wood, L. Dussubieux, E. Melchiorre, and A. Ettahiri. "Chemical analysis of glass beads from medieval Al-Basra (Morocco)," Archaeometry 52(3): 355-79.
2004 Benco, N., A. Ettahiri, and M. Loyet. "Worked bone tools: Linking metal artisans and animal processors in Medieval Islamic Morocco," Antiquity 76(292): 447-457.
1999 Benco, N., and J.C. Boone. "Islamic settlement in Europe and North Africa." Annual Review of Anthropology 28:51-71.
Ph.D. 1986, SUNY at Binghamton
Certificate (Ceramic Analysis) 1984, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
M.A. 1981, The George Washington University
B.A., Wittenberg University (Ohio)