Catherine J. Allen

Catherine J. Allen
Professor Emeritus of Anthropology and International Affairs
Dr. Allen is a sociocultural anthropologist interested in expressive culture and performance. She specializes in ethnography and ethnohistory of Andean societies, and also experiments with modes of ethnographic writing and other modes of ethnographic representation.
To see Dr. Allen's complete CV, click here.
Visiting Research Fellow, January – March 2015, Sainsbury Research Unit for the Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas, University of East Anglia.
Symbolism; ritual; social organization; aesthetics; oral narrative; drama. Regional focus: Andean South America.
Dr. Allen is currently working on cross-media analysis of expressive strategies in Andean art. Her latest book is Foxboy: Intimacy and Aesthetics in Andean Stories.
To see syllabi, click on the course title.
Anth 2008 (old 198): Foundations of Anthropological Thought
Anth 3505 (155): Religion, Myth, and Magic
Anth 3508 (158): Art and Culture
Anth 3509 (159): Symbolic Anthropology
Anth 3522 (191): Anthropology in Performance
Anth 3702 (172): Cultures of the Andes and Amazon
Anth 3991 (196): Topics: Andean Religion and Mythology
Anth 3991 (196): Topics: Native American Visual and Verbal Arts
Anth 6102 (202): Proseminar in Sociocultural Anthropology
Anth 6509 (258): Anthropology of Art, Aesthetics and Symbolism
Anth 6702 (272): Anthropology of Latin America
Last updated August 4, 2014
2011 Allen, C.J. Foxboy: Intimacy and Aesthetics in Andean Stories. Austin: University of Texas Press.
2004 Steele, Paul R., and Catherine J. Allen. Handbook of Inca Mythology. Santa Barbara: ABC-Clio, Inc.
2002 Allen, C.J. The Hold Life Has: Coca and Cultural Identity in an Andean Community. Second edition, revised and expanded. First edition 1988. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press. [Translated into Spanish as La Coca Sabe: coca e identidad cultural en una comunidad andina. Cusco: CBC Press, 2008.]
1996 Allen, C.J., and N. Garner. Condor Qatay: Anthropology in Performance. An ethnographic drama with introduction, ethnographic notes and comments, photographs and Quechua glossary. Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press.
Selected Articles and Book Chapters
[2014] Allen, C.J. "The sadness of jars: Separation and rectification in Andean understandings of death." In James Fitzimmons and Izumi Shimada, eds. Living with the Dead in the Andes. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. (Forthcoming)
2009 Allen, C.J. "Let's drink together, my dear: Persistent ceremonies in a changing community." In J. Jennings and B. Bowser, eds., Drink, Power and Society in the Andes. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida.
2002 Allen, C.J. "The Incas have gone inside: Pattern and persistence in Andean iconography," RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics 42: 180-203.
1998 Allen, C.J. "When objects revolt: Mind, matter and communication in the Precolumbian Andes." RES: Anthropology and Aesthetics 33 (Spring).
Ph.D. 1978, University of Illinois
M.A. 1972, University of Illinois
B.A. 1969, St. John's College (Maryland)