Victor Salazar Chávez

Anthropology Ph.D. Program
Year of Entry: Fall 2014.
Advisor: Jeffrey Blomster
Research: Early Formative Etlatongo: Feeding Social Complexity.
Salazar’s research focuses in food production and subsystem systems in early complex societies to understand the forms in which relations of power and social differentiation were expressed. His study is carried out in the archaeological site of Etlatongo, one of the earliest villages in the Mixteca Alta, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Publications and Presentations
In press Joyce, A.A., S.B. Barber, J. Brzezinski, C.J. Lucido, and V. Salazar Chávez. "Negotiating Political Authority and Community in Terminal Formative Coastal Oaxaca." In Political Strategies in Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, edited by Sarah Kurnick and Joanne Baron. Boulder: University Press of Colorado.
2014 Salazar Chávez, V., M. Goman, A. Joyce. "Paleoecological Investigations at Laguna Espejo, Oaxaca, Mexico." AAG Annual Meeting.
2014 Goman, M., A. Joyce, G. Lock, V. Salazar Chávez, D. Viera. "Landuse Reconstructions at El Charquito and Charco Lavado, Oaxaca, Mexico." AAG Annual Meeting.
2014 Lock, G., M. Goman, A. Joyce, V. Salazar Chávez, G. Hepp. "Salinas: Expanding Our Understanding of Prehistoric Land Use in the Coastal Zone of the Lower Rio Verde Valley, Oaxaca, Mexico." AAG Annual Meeting.
Licenciatura en Arqueología 2011, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí