Alexandra Antohin

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Alexandra Antohin

Professorial Lecturer of Anthropology

African Christianities and religions, socio-economic development with a specific focus on charity and humanitarianism, anthropological studies of ritual and performance, linguistic theory, ethnographic studies of Muslim-Christian relations, Ethiopia, Horn of Africa, Russia.

Alexandra Antohin is the Senior Research and Program Manager of the Avoice Virtual Library Project at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation. She is also the co-managing editor of the Journal of the Center for Policy Analysis and Research.


Since 2010, Dr. Antohin has conducted research in north-central Ethiopia on topics such as the centrality of the covenant as a prevailing principle in narrative, ritual, material and social dimensions for Orthodox Christians, the culture of commemoration, such as popular observance of feast and fast, and the role of lay associations in mobilizing diocese projects and church expansion. For more information, visit her webpage.

During the spring of 2018, I served as a post-doctoral research fellow at the Truman Institute for the Advancement of Peace at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where I participated as a member of Africounters, an inter-disciplinary research group focused on issues facing the African continent. A public session, “Current Struggles for Justice and Equality: Perspectives from the Ethiopian Community in Israel” was organized in May to discuss the complex intersections of identity, belonging and solidarity among the different black communities living in Israel. The fellowship was the groundwork for research on how interfaith strategies are mobilized within development and peace-mediation initiatives.

Dr. Antohin is currently working on the 10th digital exhibit for the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation that explores the 48-year old Annual Legislative Conference, the Congressional Black Caucus, and the Black Agenda

Antohin, A. n.d. Expressions of Sacred Promise: Ritual and Devotion in Ethiopian Orthodox Praxis. Fordham University Press: New York.

Gray, P & Antohin, A. n.d. ‘Russian Orthodoxy and the Subversive ‘Slot’: Discourses of Christianity in Magadan, Russia’. Berghahn Books: Oxford.

Antohin, A. 2017. ‘Plotting “Holy Tradition in Ethiopian Orthodox Theological Discourse” in The Blessing of Enoch, edited by Philip Esler. Wipf and Stock. Eugene: Oregon.

Antohin, A. 2017. ‘Holy Water, Healing and the Sacredness of Knowledge’ in The Material Culture of Failure: When Things Do Wrong, edited by David Jeevendrampillai, Aaron Parkhurst, Timothy Carroll, Julie Shackelford. Bloomsbury Press: London.

Antohin, A. 2016. ‘A Manner of Being: Body Languages of Socio-economic Development.’ Journal of New Bioethics 22 (2): 104-118.

Antohin, A. 2015. ‘Thinking With The Tabot: The Material Dimensions of Waiting in Addis Ababa’. Blog. Material Religions.

Antohin, A. 2015. ‘The Church-Museum: Context and (Dis)connection in Public Religion’. Blog. Material Religions.

Antohin, A. 2014. ‘The Stuff of Everyday Religion’. Blog. Material Religions. 

Antohin, Alexandra. 2013. 'Ethnography as Devotion: An Insider Backstory in the Heart of Ethiopia'. Anthropolitan. 


PhD. 2014, University College London

M.A. 2008, University of Alaska Fairbanks

B.A. 2004, University of Alaska Fairbanks