David D. Gow

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David D. Gow

Professor of Anthropology and International Affairs


Email: David D. Gow

Dr. Gow is a sociocultural anthropologist who studies processes of local development, the evolution of local politics, and the relationships among participation, democracy, and citizenship.

To see Dr. Gow's complete CV, click here.

Development theory and practice; anthropology of development; alternative government; modernity; methodology. Regional focus: Colombia.

As emeritus faculty, Dr. Gow no longer does classroom teaching.

2008  Gow, D.D. Countering Development: Indigenous Modernity and the Moral Imagination. Durham: Duke University Press.

1985  Gow, D.D., and E.R. Morss, eds. Implementing Rural Development Projects: Lessons from AID and World Bank Experience. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.

Articles and Book Chapters

2013  Gow, D.D., and D.J. Salgado. "En minga por el Cauca: El gobierno de Taita Floro Tunubala, 2001-2003 [Working Together for Cauca: The Government of Taita Floro Tunubala, 2001-2003]". Bogota and Popayan: Editorial de la Universidad del Rosario/Editorial de la Universidad del Cauca.

2013  David D. Gow, "En Minga por el Cauca: Alternative Government in Colombia, 2001-2003." In Mark Goodale and Nancy Postero, eds., Neoliberalism, Interrupted: Social Change and Contested Governance in Contemporary Latin America, pp.73-108. Stanford: Stanford University Press.

2005  Gow, D.D. "Desde afuera y desde adentro: Planificación indígena como contra-desarrollo. In J. Rappaport, ed., Retornando la mirada: Una investigación interétnica colaborativa sobre el Cauca a la entrada al Milenio, pp. 65-96. Popayán: Editorial Universidad del Cauca.

2002  Gow, D.D. "Anthropology and development: Evil twin or moral narrative?," Human Organization 61: 299-313.

2002  Gow, D.D., and J. Rappaport. "The indigenous public voice: The multiple idioms of modernity in native Cauca." In J. Jackson and K. Warren, eds., Indigenous Movements, Self-Representation, and the State in Latin America, pp. 47-80. Austin: University of Texas Press.

Ph.D. 1976, University of Wisconsin at Madison
M.A. 1971, University of Wisconsin at Madison
M.A. 1964, University of Aberdeen (Scotland)