Libby Ware

Libby Ware is doing research among tropical plants

Libby Ware

Any Pronouns


Program: Human Paleobiology M.S.

Year Entered: Fall 2023

Advisor: Carson Murray

Libby is an M.S. student in the Primate Behavioral Ecology (PBE) Lab. My research is inspired by biological and cultural anthropologists, with my overarching interest being gender/sex entanglement and my specific area being primatology and behavioral ecology. 

B.A. Anthropology, B.A. Spanish University of Rhode Island 2023

Primatology, Animal Behavior, Behavioral Ecology, Aggression, Sociosexual behaviors, Gender/Sex Entanglement 

Masters Thesis "Gender/Sex Entanglement: Sex-based Behaviors in Wild Chimpanzees at Gombe Stream National Park"

Dunsworth H. and L. Ware. In press. How can gender/sex entanglement inform our understanding of human evolutionary biology? In DuBois, L. Z., A. Kaiser Trujillo, and M. M. McCarthy, editors. Sex and Gender: Transforming Scientific Practice. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 36, J. R. Lupp, series editor. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

GW Philip J. Amsterdam Graduate Teaching Assistant Award Nomination, Fall 2023

Summa Cum Laude at URI (3.85 Cumulative GPA), Spring 2023

URI Honors Program Completion, Spring 2023

Lambda Alpha Honor Society, Spring 2022

GA For: 

ANTH 1001

ANTH 1002

BISC 1112