Tariq Adely

Program: Anthropology PhD
Year of Entry: Fall 2020
Advisor: Dr. Alex Dent
Tariq Adely is a PhD candidate in Anthropology. His research focuses on the intersection of language, technology, and labor in the Arabic-speaking world. His dissertation project examines the labor involved in creating large language models (LLMs) and other AI-enabled technologies with Arabic-language data, as well as the political, social, and ethical dimensions of this work. Prior to beginning his graduate study, Tariq worked as a translator and reporter in Amman, Jordan.
Tariq's Research Interests Are: Language and Technology; Social Studies of AI; Middle East Anthropology; Digital Labor; Data and Media Infrastructures; Cultural Production; Digital Ethnographic Methods; Oral History
M.A. (Arab Studies), 2020, Georgetown University
B.A. (Comparative Literature & Literary Translation), 2014, Brown University
National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant (2024)
Fulbright Research Award (2023)
Middle East Studies Association Graduate Student Paper Prize, Honorable Mention (2021)
American Ethnological Society Small Grant (2021)