James K. Hahn
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James K. Hahn
Professor of Computer Science Director
James K. Hahn is currently a full professor in the Department of Computer Science at the George Washington University where he has been a faculty since 1989. He has a joint appointment in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences. He is also Director of the Institute for Biomedical Engineering and Institute of Computer Graphics, as well as Professor of Anatomy and Regenerative Biology School of Medicine and Health Sciences.
Medical simulation, image-guided surgery, medical informatics, visualization, and motion control.
Office Hours Wed : 4pm-5pm
Active illumination based 3D surface reconstruction and registration for image guided medialization laryngoplasty, SPIE Medical Imaging 2007. San Diego, CA, Feb. 18-22.
3D Surface Recosruction and Registration for Image Guided Medialization Laryngoplasty, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Volume 4291/2006, pp 761-770, 2006.
Hardware-Assisted Rendering of Cylindrical Panaroma, ACM Journal of Graphics Tools Special Issue on "Hardware-Accelerated Rendering Techniques", Vol. 7, No. 4, 33-42, 2003.
Cryotherapy Simulator for Localized Prostate Cancer, Medicine Meets Virtual Reality (MMVR '02), January 23-26, 2002, Newport Beach, California.
INSPECT: A Dynamic Visual Query System for Geospatial Information Exploration, Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis, SPIE '02, January 20-24, 2003, Santa Clara, CA.
Projective Texture Mapping with Full Panorama, Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 21, Number 3, pp 421-430, September 2002.
Virtual Reality Surgical Simulation for Lower Urinary Tract Endoscopy and Procedures, J Endourology, 16:185-190, 2002.
Sound Rendering, Computer Graphics, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM SIGGRAPH), Vol. 26, No. 2, pp 211-220, July 1992.
Realistic Animation of Rigid Bodies, Computer Graphics, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM SIGGRAPH), Vol. 22, No. 4, pp 299-308, August 1988.
PhD, 1989, Computer and Information Science, The Ohio State University
MS, 1983, Computer and Information Science, The Ohio State University
MS, 1981, Physics, University of California, Los Angeles
BS, 1979, Computer Science, Mathematics, University of South Carolina
BS, 1979, Physics, University of South Carolina