Kristen Tuosto

Program: Human Paleobiology Ph.D
Year of Entry: 2017
Advisor: Shannon McFarlin
2019-2020 Holocene Member Mentor/Teaching Assistant, Koobi Fora Field School: Koobi Fora, East Turkana, Kenya
2019 Visiting Researcher, New York University College of Dentistry: Hard Tissue Research Unit (HTRU), Department of Biomaterials and Biomimetics
2017 present Amboseli Baboon Research Project (ABRP): Baboon Skeletal Project, Kenya
2017 present Mountain Gorilla Skeletal Project/Hard tissue biology of mountain gorillas, Rwanda and Uganda
2017 Paleontological survey and excavated: Rainbow Ridge Barstow, California
2016 Koobi Fora Field School: Koobi Fora, East Turkana, Kenya
2015 Senior Honor Thesis: “Dimorphic Differences: Intracortical remodeling and cortical thickness at the midshaft in large bodied male baboons (Papio hamadryas).” UC Berkeley. Advisor: Dr. Sabrina C. Agarwal
2014-2015 Skeletal Biology Laboratory, UC Berkeley Department of Anthropology, Undergraduate Research Apprentice, supervised by Dr. Sabrina C. Agarwal
2012-2013 Archaeological survey and excavation: East Cronise Lake Paleo-Indian site, San Bernardino, California
2012 Archaeology Field School: Early Bronze Age site, Dali, Kazakhstan
2012-2014 Department of Anthropology, Chaffey College, student researcher in vertebral biomechanics in extant and extinct homininds, supervised by Dr. Marc Meyer
2021 NSF - DDRIG (NSF-BCS-2120962) - Doctoral Dissertation Research: Impacts of early life adversity on bone growth and maintenance
2021 The Leakey Foundation - Skeletal impacts of early life adversity in Amboseli baboons
2021 The Lewis N. Cotlow Award, The George Washington University
2019 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
2019 CCAS Dean's Graduate Conference Travel Grant
2019 The Lewis N. Cotlow Award, The George Washington University
2019 Zelma Reidling Warren Bannister and William Warren Graduate Fellowship Award, Department of Anthropology, The George Washington University
2017 Travel Grant for the Paleoanthropology Society Annual Meeting Vancouver, Canada
2016 Koobi Fora Field School Fellowship
2013 Mary G. and Rawley J. Miller Honors Scholarship in Anthropology
2012 Chaffey College Archaeological Field School Scholarship in Kazakhstan
Kristen Tuosto is a bone biologist interested in understanding the influences of early life environmental adversity on bone growth, development, and maintenance. She is also interested in how early life environmental adversity has contributes to developmental plasticity and phenotypic variation of bone morphology, and how that information can be used to better understand the skeletal variation observed in early Homo fossils.
Journal Articles
Tuosto, K., Johnston, J.T., Connolly, C., Lo, C., Sanganyado, E., Winter, K.A., Roembke, T., Richter, W.E., Isaacson, K.J., Raitor, M. and Kosanic, A., 2020. Making science accessible. Science, 367(6473), pp.34-35.
Conference abstracts
Tuosto, K.A., Bromage, T.G., Cranfield, M.R., Stoinski, T.S., Mudakikwa, A., McFarlin, S.C., 2019. Great ape bone microstructural diversity and growth patterns. Symposium of Paleohistology in Cape Town, South Africa.
Tuosto KA, Ascoli S, Braun D, Carvalho S, Bobe R, Sier M, Wynn J, Harris J, Caruana M, Patterson D. 2017. Selectivity among Early Pleistocene Hominins: New Evidence from the Koobi Fora Formation. Paleoanthropology Society Annual Meeting.
B.A., Anthropology, University of California-Berkeley, 2015
A.A., Anthropology, University Studies: Social and Behavioral Science, and University Studies: Arts and Humanities, Chaffey College, 2013