David Hunt

David Hunt
Professorial Lecturer in Anthropology
Dr. Hunt is a physical and forensic anthropologist and archaeologist specializing in mortuary analysis and the curation of skeletal remains. He is also the Assistant Collections Manager for the Smithsonian Institution's Department of Anthropology.
Dr. Hunt has served as an internship supervisor and mentor for numerous graduate students from GW and other area schools.
Human osteology, human variation and modification, forensic anthropology, human mummies and mummification, dermatoglyphics.
Dr. Hunt has researched and published on numerous topics in physical anthropology (e.g., dermatoglyphs, paleopathology, morphometrics, genetics) and forensic anthropology (e.g., mass graves, facial reconstruction, mummification). He has been part of archaeological excavations in Mongolia, Italy, and multiple sites in the U.S.
Anth 1001: Biological Anthropology
Anth 3406/6491: Advanced Human Osteology
2005 Mann, R.W., and D.R. Hunt. Photographic Regional Atlas of Bone Disease: A Guide to Pathologic and Normal Variation in the Human Skeleton. 2nd ed. Springfield: Charles C.
Articles, Book Chapters, and Online Resources
n.d. Hunt, D.R. "The Robert J. Terry anatomical skeletal collection." Online at http://anthropology.si.edu/cm/terry.htm.
2012 Hunt, D.R. ."A child’s mummy," AnthroNotes 33(1) :6-9.
2010 Frohlich, B., T. Amgalantugs, J. Littleton, G. Ganbat, D. Hunt, E. Nittler, S. Karstens, T. Frohlich, T. and E. Batchatar. "Theories and hypotheses pertaining to Mongolian Bronze Age khirigsuurs in Hovsgol aimag, Mongolia." In: Fitzhugh, W and J. Bayarsaikhan, eds. American-Mongolian Deer Stone Project: Field Report 2009.Washington: Arctic Studies Center, Smithsonian Institution. pp. 195-210.
2008 Hunt, D.R., B. Frohlich and B. Falkowski. "Computerized tomographic imaging of human remains inside 19th-century iron coffins." In: Atoche Pena, P., C. Rodriguez Martin and M.A. Ramirez Rodriguez, Mummies and Science. World Mummies Research. Proceedings of the VI World Congress on Mummy Studies. Santa Cruz de Tenerife: Academia Canaria de la Historia.
2007 Hunt, D.R., and L. Bullen. "The frequency of os acromiale in the Robert J. Terry Collection," International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 17/3:309-317.
2004 Hunt, D.R., and A. Runyan. "Dental disease: The root of all evil? Skeletal analysis of the relationship between periodontal and systemic disease," International Journal of Dental Anthropology 5:1-9.
2003 "Aleutian remains at the Smithsonian Institution." In Frohlich, B., A.B. Harper and R. Gilberg, To the Aleutians and Beyond. National Museum Ethnographic Series 20, Dept. of Ethnology, National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, pp. 136-153.
2015 Mummy Science with David Hunt. Produced by qrius.si.edu.
Ph.D. 1989, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
M.A. 1983, University of Tennessee at Knoxville
B.A. 1980, University of Illinois at Urbana