Maddy Hillegas

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Maddy Hillegas



M.S. Human Paleobiology

Year Entered: Fall 2021

Advisor: Shannon McFarlin

Dean’s Undergraduate Research Award, Fall 2020

Dean's Fellowship Award, Fall 2021

Primate life history and behavioral ecology, conservation

Research experience: 

Research Assistant, Aug 2021 – Current GW Primate Life History Lab, with Dr. Shannon McFarlin; Washington, D.C.

Research Assistant, Jan 2020 – Sept 2020 NYU Anthropology Department, with Dr. Megan Petersdorf; New York, NY/Remote Lab

Volunteer, Sept 2018 – March 2020 Daris Swindler Dental Lab, with Dr. Shara Bailey; New York, NY

Field Research Assistant, June 2019 – Aug 2019 NYU Primate Reproductive Ecology and Evolution Lab/Caribbean Primate Research Center, with Dr. James Higham; Cayo Santiago, PR

Undergraduate Thesis Abstract: “Canine Size and Reproductive Success in Female Rhesus Macaques (Macaca mulatta)” (Inquiry: A Journal of Undergraduate Research)

B.A. (Anthropology and Journalism), New York University, 2021