Linda Brown

Dr. Brown is an anthropological archaeologist who works in the Maya region of Central America. Her research interests include the archaeology of ritual and religion, household archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, and the use of archaeological artifacts and sites by contemporary descendant communities.
Ethnoarchaeology, archaeology of ritual, the role of ideology and resistance in complex society, the cultural landscape. Regional focus: Mesoamerica.
Dr. Brown is the director of El Proyecto Arqueologías Indígenas, examining the ceremonial use of archaeological objects and sites by contemporary Maya ritual practitioners in Guatemala, and the co-director of the Say Kah Archaeological Project in Belize, which focuses on Classic Period household at a "secondary" center and issues of political hierarchy.
Dr. Brown now has only a research appointment and is not actively teaching.
Anth 3702: Cultures of Central America
Anth 3813: Archaeology of North America
Anth 3814: Archaeology of Mesoamerica
Anth 3822: Archaeology in Film and Television
Anth 3823: Archaeology of Ritual and Religion
Anth 3833: Field Research: New World
Anth 3891: Topics: Archaeology of the Maya
Anth 6508: Ethics and Cultural Property
Last updated March 14, 2016
Selected Articles and Book Chapters
2019 Sarah Jackson and Linda A. Brown, "Water and Ancestors: Tangible and Intangible Resources at Say Kah, Belize." Mexicon 41(1):11-20
2016 Patricia A. McAnany and Linda A. Brown, "Perceptions of the Past within Tz’utujil Ontologies & Yucatec Hybridities." Antiquity 90(350): 487-503.
2016 Sarah E. Jackson, Christopher F. Motz, Linda A. Brown, "Pushing the Paperless Envelope: Digital Recording and Innovative Ways of Seeing at a Classic Maya Site." Advances in Archaeological Practice 4(2):176-191.
2015 When Pre-Sunrise Beings Inhabit a Post-Sunrise World: Time, Animate Objects and Contemporary Tz’utujil Maya Ritual Practitioners. In The Meaning and Measure of Time in the Americas, edited by Anthony F. Aveni, pp. 53-77. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, Washington, DC.
2012 Emery, K.F., and L. A. Brown. "Maya hunting sustainability: perspectives from past and present." In R.J. Chacon and R.G. Mendoza, eds., The Ethics of Anthropology and Amerindian Research: Reporting on Environmental Degradation and Warfare. Springer Press, pp. 79-116.
2010 Brown, L. "Communal and personal hunting shrines around Lake Atitlán, Guatemala," Maya Archaeology 1(1): 36-59.
2008 Brown, L., and W. Walker. "Archaeology, animism and non-human agents," Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory Special Issue, 15(4). [Guest editors: Linda Brown and William Walker]
2008 Brown, L., and K. Emery. "Negotiations with the animate forest: Hunting shrines in the Guatemalan highlands." Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, Special Issue on Archaeology, Animism and Non-Human Agency (15)4: 300-337.
2005 Brown, L. "Planting the bones: Hunting ceremonialism at contemporary and nineteenth-century shrines in the Guatemalan highlands," Latin American Antiquity 16(2): 131-146.
Ph.D. 2002, Anthropology, University of Colorado at Boulder
M.A. 1996, Anthropology, University of Colorado at Denver
B.F.A. 1991, Fine Arts (with distinction), University of Colorado at Denver