Kylie Quave

Dr. Kylie Quave is an Associate Professor of Writing and of Anthropology at George Washington University. As an anthropological archaeologist she reconstructs household-level responses to imperialism and colonialism in the South American Andes (ca. 1000-1800 CE). She directs archaeological excavations, studies material culture using visual and archaeometric methods, and conducts ethnohistorical research in Peruvian archives. She teaches science writing in the University Writing Program.
Postdoctoral Fellow, Logan Museum of Anthropology, Beloit College. 2014-2016.
National Geographic Society Committee for Research & Exploration Grant. "Archaeological Investigations of an Early Inca State Conquest (Maras, Cuzco, Peru)." 2015-2016.
National Science Foundation. “Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant: Inka Estate Administration in the Imperial Heartland (Maras, Cuzco, Peru).” 2009-2011
Fulbright Institute of International Education, U.S. Student Fellowship to Perú. 2009-2010.
National Geographic Society Young Explorers Grant. “Archaeological investigations of a royal estate and its administration in Maras (Cuzco, Peru).” 2009-2010.
Household archaeology, ethnohistory and archival research, identity, political economy, Inka empire, Colonial Peru, museum studies, quantitative social science, transliteracy
Dr. Quave is currently the Director of the Yunkaray Archaeological Research Project in Cuzco, Perú. She is also studying acceptance and rejection of Inka styles and craft technologies through material culture from the Inka heartland and provinces.
UW1020 Embodied Inequality: Rhetoric of Race and Racism
2019 Williams, Leslie Lea & Quave, K. Quantitative Anthropology: A Workbook. Academic Press.
Selected Articles and Book Chapters
2019 Quave, K., Sarah Kennedy, & R. Alan Covey. “Rural Cuzco before and after Inka imperial conquest: Foodways, status, and identity (Maras, Peru).” International Journal of Historical Archaeology. Online First. DOI: Free access:
2018 Quave, K.,R. Alan Covey, & Karen X. Durand Caceres. “Archaeological Investigations at Yunkaray (Cuzco, Peru): Reconstructing the Rise and Fall of an Early Inca Rival (A.D. 1050-1450).” Journal of Field Archaeology 43(4): 332-343. DOI:
2018 Quave, K. “Royal Estates and Imperial Centers in the Cuzco Region.” In The Oxford Handbook of the Incas, pp. 101-118. Edited by Sonia Alconini and R. Alan Covey. Oxford University Press, New York. DOI:
2017 Quave, K. “Imperial-style Ceramic Production on a Royal Estate in the Inka Heartland (Cuzco, Peru).” Latin American Antiquity 28(4): 599-608. DOI:
2017 Covey, R. Alan & K. Quave. “The Economic Transformation of the Inca Heartland (Cuzco, Peru) in the Late Sixteenth Century.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 59(2): 277-309. DOI:
2017 Quave, K. & Nicolette Meister. “Assessing the Impact of Curricular Collections Use at a Liberal Arts College.” Museum Management and Curatorship 32(1): 2-19. DOI:
2016 Covey, R. Alan, K. Quave, & Catherine E. Covey. “Inka Storage Systems in the Imperial Heartland (Cuzco, Peru): Risk Management, Economic Growth, and Political Economy.” In Storage in Ancient Complex Societies: Administration, Organization, and Control, pp. 167-188. Edited by Linda R. Manzanilla and Mitchell S. Rothman. Routledge, New York.
2015 Bauer, Brian S., Miriam Aráoz Silva, & K. Quave. “The Yurak Rumi Shrine Complex.” In Vilcabamba and the Archaeology of Inca Resistance, pp. 42-75. Edited by B. S. Bauer, J. Fonseca Santa Cruz, and M. Aráoz Silva. The Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Press, Los Angeles.
2015 Quave, K.& R. Alan Covey. “The Material Remains of Inca Power among Imperial Heartland Communities.” Tribus, Jahrbuch des Linden-Museums Stuttgart Special Edition: 110-127.
2014 Quave, K. “Reconstructing Colonial Migration and Resettlement in the Cuzco Region.” In Regional Archaeology in the Inca Heartland: The Hanan Cuzco Surveys, pp. 193-212. Edited by R. Alan Covey. Studies in Latin American Ethnohistory & Archaeology, edited by Joyce Marcus, Memoir 55, Volume X. University of Michigan Museum of Anthropology, Ann Arbor.
2013 Quave, K., René Pilco Vargas, & Stephanie Pierce Terry. “Las tierras reales del inca como economía noble: viviendas y obras de Cheqoq (Maras, Cuzco)” [“Royal Inca Estates as Noble Economy: Households and labor at Cheqoq (Maras, Cuzco)”]. In Investigaciones arqueológicas y antropológicas en los andes sud-centrales: Historia, cultura y sociedad, pp. 110-145. Edited by Danielle S. Kurin and Enmanuel Gómez Choque. Fondo Editorial de la Dirección de Investigación, Creación Intelectual y Artística Universidad Nacional José María Arguedas, Andahuaylas, Apurímac, Perú.
Ph.D. 2012, Southern Methodist University
M.A. 2008, Southern Methodist University
B.A. 2005, Emory University