Francys Subiaul

Francys Subiaul
Associate Professor of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Lab Office: Monroe Hall B-09
Dr. Subiaul is an anthropologist in the Department of Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences, where his Social Cognition Lab investigates social intelligence in human and non-human primates. He is also an Associate Research Scientist at the National Building Museum.
Primate cognition, cognitive and brain evolution, evolutionary psychology, cognitive development, social cognition, autism.
Dr. Subiaul directs the Social Cognition Laboratory, which investigates social intelligence in human and non-human primate.
To see syllabi, click on the course title.
Anth 3691/SPHR 6291: Special Topics: Autism
SPHR 1071: Foundations of Human Communication
SPHR 2133: Autism
SPHR 3199: Mind, Brain and Evolution I
SPHR 3199: Mind, Brain and Evolution II
SPHR 4000: Early Social Cognitive Development
Last updated May 9, 2017
Selected Articles and Book Chapters
2012 Phillips, K., F. Subiaul, C.C. Cherwood. "Curious monkeys have increased gray matter density in the precuneus," Neuroscience Letters 518(2): 172-175.
2012 Subiaul, F., S. Anderson, J. Brandt, J. Elkins. "Multiple imitation mechanisms in children," Developmental Psychology 48(4): 1165-1179. DOI: 10.1037/a0026646.
2011 Subiaul, F., J. Vonk, and M.D. Rutherford. "The ghosts in the computer: The role of agency and animacy attributions in "ghost controls," PLOS One 6(11): e26429.
2009 Vonk, J., and F. Subiaul. "Do chimpanzees know what others can and cannot do? Reasoning about 'capability'," Animal Cognition 12(2): 267-286 DOI: 10.1007/s10071-008-0189-5.
Ph.D. 2004, Columbia University
M.A. 2001, Columbia University
B.A. 1999, Boston University