Douglas Ubelaker

Douglas Ubelaker
Professorial Lecturer in Anthropology and Anatomy
Dr. Ubelaker is a physical and forensic anthropologist with extensive experience in the identification of human skeletal remains. He is curator of Physical Anthropology at the Smithsonian Institution's Department of Anthropology.
Diplomate, American Board of Forensic Anthropology
Fellow, American Academy of Forensic Sciences
Forensic and physical anthropology, human osteology, paleopathology, paleodemography.
When not consulting on forensic cases, Dr. Ubelaker does a variety of research on the paleopathology, paleodemography, and osteology of ancient populations, especially in North America, Ecuador, and Eastern Europe.
Anth 3403 (old 145): Forensic Anthropology Laboratory
Anth 3404 (146)/Anat 6252 (252): Human Variation
2013 Ubelaker, D.H., ed. Forensic Science: Current Issues, Future Directions. West Sussex, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
1999 Ubelaker, D. Human Skeletal Remains: Excavation, Analysis, Interpretation. Aldine Manuals on Archeology. 3rd ed. Washington, DC: Taraxacum.
1992 Ubelaker, D., and H. Scammel. Bones, A Forensic Detective's Casebook. New York: HarperCollins.
1982 Ubelaker, D., and H. J. Viola, eds. Plains Indian Studies A Collection of Essays in Honor of John C. Ewers and Waldo R. Wedel. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology no. 30. Washington: Smithsonian Institution.
Articles and Book Chapters
2013 Alesbury, H.S. D.H. Ubelaker and R. Bernstein. "Utility of the frontonasal suture for estimating age at death in human skeletal remains," Journal of Forensic Sciences 58(1): 104-108.
2011 Ubelaker, D.H., and K. Zarenko. "Adipocere: What is known after over two centuries of research," Forensic Sciences International 208(1):167-172.
2011 Ubelaker, D.H., and J.L. Rife. "Skeletal analysis and mortuary practice in an Early Roman chamber tomb at Kenchreai, Greece," International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 21(1): 1-18.
2008 Ubelaker, D.H., and R.C. Parra. "Application of three dental methods of adult age estimation from intact single rooted teeth to a Peruvian sample," Journal of Forensic Sciences 53(3):608-611.
2008 Ubelaker, D.H. "Methodology in commingling analysis: An historical overview." In B.J. Adams and J.E. Byrd, eds., Recovery, Analysis, and Identification of Commingled Human Remains, pp. 1-7. Totowa, NJ: Humana Press.
2007 Ubelaker, D.H., and J.L. Rife. "The practice of cremation in the Roman-era cemetery at Kenchreai, Greece: The perspective from archeology and forensic science," Bioarchaeology of the Near East 1:35-57.
Ph.D. 1973, University of Kansas
B.A. 1968, University of Kansas