Delaney Davis

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Delaney Davis


Email: Delaney Davis

Program: MA Anthropology

Year of Entry: Fall 2020

Advisor: Steve Lubkemann

Concentration: International Development

Political anthropology, power structure and dynamics, Cold War and Soviet-era Russia, power/force/authority in the Indopacific, cannibalism, structuralism, fear

Delaney Davis' research is abour violence, transgenerational memory, and inherited trauma in the former Soviet Union, and addresses the ways in which these phenomena shape concepts of identity, personhood, and belonging between Russia and Ukraine. Focal points of her research include structural violence, Stalinist repression, mass graves and exhumation of remains, suicide, and the sociocultural significance of Holodomor.

B.A. (Anthropology/Foreign Affairs), 2018, University of Virginia