David D. Gow
Dr. Gow is a sociocultural anthropologist who studies processes of local development, the evolution of local politics, and the relationships among participation, democracy, and citizenship.
Development theory and practice; anthropology of development; alternative government; modernity; methodology. Regional focus: Colombia.
As emeritus faculty, Dr. Gow no longer does classroom teaching.
2008 Gow, D.D. Countering Development: Indigenous Modernity and the Moral Imagination. Durham: Duke University Press.
1985 Gow, D.D., and E.R. Morss, eds. Implementing Rural Development Projects: Lessons from AID and World Bank Experience. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Articles and Book Chapters
2013 Gow, D.D., and D.J. Salgado. "En minga por el Cauca: El gobierno de Taita Floro Tunubala, 2001-2003 [Working Together for Cauca: The Government of Taita Floro Tunubala, 2001-2003]". Bogota and Popayan: Editorial de la Universidad del Rosario/Editorial de la Universidad del Cauca.
2013 David D. Gow, "En Minga por el Cauca: Alternative Government in Colombia, 2001-2003." In Mark Goodale and Nancy Postero, eds., Neoliberalism, Interrupted: Social Change and Contested Governance in Contemporary Latin America, pp.73-108. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
2005 Gow, D.D. "Desde afuera y desde adentro: Planificación indígena como contra-desarrollo. In J. Rappaport, ed., Retornando la mirada: Una investigación interétnica colaborativa sobre el Cauca a la entrada al Milenio, pp. 65-96. Popayán: Editorial Universidad del Cauca.
2002 Gow, D.D. "Anthropology and development: Evil twin or moral narrative?," Human Organization 61: 299-313.
2002 Gow, D.D., and J. Rappaport. "The indigenous public voice: The multiple idioms of modernity in native Cauca." In J. Jackson and K. Warren, eds., Indigenous Movements, Self-Representation, and the State in Latin America, pp. 47-80. Austin: University of Texas Press.
Ph.D. 1976, University of Wisconsin at Madison
M.A. 1971, University of Wisconsin at Madison
M.A. 1964, University of Aberdeen (Scotland)