Dana Burton

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Dana Burton


Email: Dana Burton

Anthropology Ph.D. Program 

Year of Entry: Fall 2017

Advisor: Ilana Feldman

Dana Burton's research follows scientists’ search for evidence of life in space and the ways they imagine, theorize, and evaluate conceptions of biosignatures, habitability, and the abiotic-biotic threshold in their work. Dana is currently a Young Scientist in the Blue Marble Space Institute of Science and NASA Ames. Her fieldwork is funded by Wenner-Gren Foundation and National Science Foundation. She also completed archival research as a Society for the History of Technology Fellow at the Library of Congress and NASA Headquarters. Dana endeavors to contribute to a collaborative entanglement between the sciences and social sciences.


M.Phil (Anthropology), 2019, The George Washington University

M.A. (Anthropology), The George Washington University

B.A. (Political Science and Spanish), Tufts University