Axelle Kamanzi Shimwa

Program: Human Paleobiology PhD
Year of Entry: Fall 2017
Advisor: Shannon McFarlin
2014-2015: Masters research thesis: " A Comparison of the Nutritional Content of Forest Foods and Crop Raided Maize Pith Consumed by Chimpanzees in Gishwati National Park, Rwanda"
2011-2013: Tutorial Assistant. Involved in teaching and management of the Food Science & Technology laboratories. Food Science & Technology department, Kigali Institute of Science &Technology, Rwanda
2010: Quality Assurance Officer, Food Science & Technology Department, Kigali Institute of Science &Technology, Rwanda
2008: Intern. Laboratory for Analysis of Foods, Medicines, Water and Toxics, National University of Rwanda
Conference Presentation
2015: Kamanzi, S.A., Chancellor, R. L., Nyandwi, S., Starn, T. & Rundus, A. S. “Influence of nutritional content of foods eaten by chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) to their crop raiding behavior in Gishwati National Park, Rwanda.” College of Arts and Sciences 2015 All Sciences Poster session, West Chester University, PA
2019 The Lewis N. Cotlow Field Research Fund, Department of Anthropology, The George Washington University ($1,522)
2019 GW pre-dissertation fellowship award, The George Washington University ($4,500)
2018 The Lewis N. Cotlow Field Research Fund, Department of Anthropology, The George Washington University ($1,800)
2018 Explorers club Exploration Fund Grant ($1,200)
Axelle is interested in primate feeding ecology and nutrition. Her dissertation research focuses on understanding the ontogeny of feeding behavior in mountain gorillas and the impacts of variable nutritional availability on the development and social behavior of young gorillas in Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda.
MA. (General Psychology), 2015, West Chester University, PA
B.A. (Biology), 2008, National University of Rwanda