Amanda G. Henry

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Amanda G. Henry

Assistant Research Professor of Anthropology


Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, Germany

Dr. Henry studies the role of plant foods in diet, the dietary ecology of Pleistocene hominins, and the uses of phytoliths and starch grains as markers of diet and environment.

Anth 1001 (old 001): Biological Anthropology


Last updated March 12, 2015

Selected Articles and Book Chapters

2015  Fiorenza, L., S. Benazzi, A.G. Henry, D.C. Salazar-Garcia, R. Blasco, A. Picin, S. Wroe, O. Kullmer. "To meat or not to meat? New perspectives on Neanderthal ecology," Yearbook of Physical Anthropology 156: 43-71.

2014  Henry, A.G., A.S. Brooks, and D.R. Piperno. "Plant foods and the dietary ecology of early modern humans," Journal of Human Evolution 69: 44-54.

2012  Henry, A.G., P.S. Ungar, B.H. Passey, M. Sponheimer, L. Rossouw, M. Bamford, D.J. deRuiter, L. Berger. "The diet of Australopithecus sediba," Nature 487: 90-93. doi:10.1038/nature11185

2011  Henry, A.G., A.S. Brooks, and D.R. Piperno. "Microfossils in calculus demonstrate consumption of plants and cooked foods in Neanderthal diets (Shanidar II, Iraq; Spy I and II, Belgium)," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 108(2):486-491.

2009  Henry, A.G., H.F. Hudson, D.R. Piperno. "Changes in starch grain morphologies from cooking," Journal of Archaeological Science 36: 915-922.

2008  Henry, A.G., D.R. Piperno. "Using plant microfossils from dental calculus to recover human diet: A case study from Tell al-Raqa'i, Syria," Journal of Archaeological Science 35: 1943-1950.

2007  Wood, B., and A.G. Henry. "Whose diet? An introduction to hominin taxonomy." In P. Ungar, ed., Evolution of the Human Diet: The Known, the Unknown and the Unknowable. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp 11-28.

To see Dr. Henry's CV, click here.

Ph.D. 2010, The George Washington University (Hominid Paleobiology)
B.A. 2002, Brown University